In this article we look at a ambient light digital 16-bit resolution sensor – this time its the VEML7700 and we will connect it a raspberry Pi and the example is in python This is the sensor that I will be using Lets look at…
You can actually check the temperature of the CPU and GPU with a couple of simple commands that you can type in the command line, this is very useful as depending what you are doing with the Raspberry Pi both the CPU and GPU can…
In this article we look at another digital humidity sensor – this time its the SHTC1 and we will connect it to a raspberry Pi Sensor Information The SHTC1 is a digital humidity sensor designed especially for high-volume consumer electronics applications. This humidity sensor is…
The Raspberry Pi doesn’t have an RTC chip on it but with an expansion board you can add this A popular chip is the DS3231 , lets have a quick look at this chip DS3231 Information The DS3231 is a low-cost, extremely accurate I²C real-time…
This OLED is designed for Raspberry Pi computers, to give you a nice little display that you can use in your projects. The PiOLED comes with a monochrome 128×64 OLED, with white pixels. The OLED uses only the I2C pins so you have plenty of…
In this article we look at a DS18B20 module which you can connect to your Raspberry Pi DS18B20 Information The DS18B20 digital thermometer provides 9-bit to 12-bit Celsius temperature measurements and has an alarm function with nonvolatile user-programmable upper and lower trigger points. The DS18B20…