Home » Raspberry Pi and TCS34725 Color Sensor

Raspberry Pi and TCS34725 Color Sensor

by shedboy71

The TCS3472 device provides a digital return of red, green, blue (RGB), and clear light sensing values. An IR blocking filter, integrated on-chip and localized to the color sensing photodiodes, minimizes the IR spectral component of the incoming light and allows color measurements to be made accurately. The high sensitivity, wide dynamic range, and IR blocking filter make the TCS3472 an ideal color sensor solution for use under varying lighting conditions and through attenuating materials. This data is transferred via an I2C to the host.



Connection and Layout

This example is for a Raspberry PI 2 connected to the module

pi and tcs34725

pi and tcs34725


This example worked well


# Distributed with a free-will license.
# Use it any way you want, profit or free, provided it fits in the licenses of its associated works.
# TCS34725
# This code is designed to work with the TCS34725_I2CS I2C Mini Module available from ControlEverything.com.
# https://www.controleverything.com/products
# NT

import smbus
import time

# Get I2C bus
bus = smbus.SMBus(1)

# I2C Address of the device

# TCS34725 Register Set
TCS34725_COMMAND_BIT = 0x80
TCS34725_REG_ENABLE = 0x00 # Enables states and interrupts
TCS34725_REG_ATIME = 0x01 # RGBC integration time
TCS34725_REG_WTIME = 0x03 # Wait time
TCS34725_REG_CONFIG = 0x0D # Configuration register
TCS34725_REG_CONTROL = 0x0F # Control register
TCS34725_REG_CDATAL = 0x14 # Clear/IR channel low data register
TCS34725_REG_CDATAH = 0x15 # Clear/IR channel high data register
TCS34725_REG_RDATAL = 0x16 # Red ADC low data register
TCS34725_REG_RDATAH = 0x17 # Red ADC high data register
TCS34725_REG_GDATAL = 0x18 # Green ADC low data register
TCS34725_REG_GDATAH = 0x19 # Green ADC high data register
TCS34725_REG_BDATAL = 0x1A # Blue ADC low data register
TCS34725_REG_BDATAH = 0x1B # Blue ADC high data register

# TCS34725 Enable Register Configuration
TCS34725_REG_ENABLE_SAI = 0x40 # Sleep After Interrupt
TCS34725_REG_ENABLE_AIEN = 0x10 # ALS Interrupt Enable
TCS34725_REG_ENABLE_WEN = 0x08 # Wait Enable
TCS34725_REG_ENABLE_AEN = 0x02 # ADC Enable
TCS34725_REG_ENABLE_PON = 0x01 # Power ON

# TCS34725 Time Register Configuration
TCS34725_REG_ATIME_2_4 = 0xFF # Atime = 2.4 ms, Cycles = 1
TCS34725_REG_ATIME_24 = 0xF6 # Atime = 24 ms, Cycles = 10
TCS34725_REG_ATIME_101 = 0xDB # Atime = 101 ms, Cycles = 42
TCS34725_REG_ATIME_154 = 0xC0 # Atime = 154 ms, Cycles = 64
TCS34725_REG_ATIME_700 = 0x00 # Atime = 700 ms, Cycles = 256
TCS34725_REG_WTIME_2_4 = 0xFF # Wtime = 2.4 ms
TCS34725_REG_WTIME_204 = 0xAB # Wtime = 204 ms
TCS34725_REG_WTIME_614 = 0x00 # Wtime = 614 ms

# TCS34725 Gain Configuration
TCS34725_REG_CONTROL_AGAIN_1 = 0x00 # 1x Gain
TCS34725_REG_CONTROL_AGAIN_4 = 0x01 # 4x Gain
TCS34725_REG_CONTROL_AGAIN_16 = 0x02 # 16x Gain
TCS34725_REG_CONTROL_AGAIN_60 = 0x03 # 60x Gain

class TCS34725():
def __init__(self):

def enable_selection(self):
“””Select the ENABLE register configuration from the given provided values”””

def time_selection(self):
“””Select the ATIME register configuration from the given provided values”””
bus.write_byte_data(TCS34725_DEFAULT_ADDRESS, TCS34725_REG_ATIME | TCS34725_COMMAND_BIT, TCS34725_REG_ATIME_700)

“””Select the WTIME register configuration from the given provided values”””
bus.write_byte_data(TCS34725_DEFAULT_ADDRESS, TCS34725_REG_WTIME | TCS34725_COMMAND_BIT, TCS34725_REG_WTIME_2_4)

def gain_selection(self):
“””Select the gain register configuration from the given provided values”””

def readluminance(self):
“””Read data back from TCS34725_REG_CDATAL(0x94), 8 bytes, with TCS34725_COMMAND_BIT, (0x80)
cData LSB, cData MSB, Red LSB, Red MSB, Green LSB, Green MSB, Blue LSB, Blue MSB”””
data = bus.read_i2c_block_data(TCS34725_DEFAULT_ADDRESS, TCS34725_REG_CDATAL | TCS34725_COMMAND_BIT, 8)

# Convert the data
cData = data[1] * 256 + data[0]
red = data[3] * 256 + data[2]
green = data[5] * 256 + data[4]
blue = data[7] * 256 + data[6]

# Calculate luminance
luminance = (-0.32466 * red) + (1.57837 * green) + (-0.73191 * blue)

return {‘c' : cData, ‘r' : red, ‘g' : green, ‘b' : blue, ‘l' : luminance}

from TCS34725 import TCS34725
tcs34725 = TCS34725()

while True:
lum = tcs34725.readluminance()
print “Clear Data Color Luminance : %d lux”%(lum[‘c'])
print “Red Color Luminance : %d lux”%(lum[‘r'])
print “Green Color Luminance : %d lux”%(lum[‘g'])
print “Blue Color Luminance : %d lux”%(lum[‘b'])
print “Ambient Light Luminance : %.2f lux”%(lum[‘l'])
print ” ***************************************************** ”




TCS34725 output

TCS34725 output



TCS34725 RGB Light Color Sensor Recognition Module

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1 comment

DBL Embedded System – Gijs Kruize 13th September 2022 - 7:40 pm

[…] Color Sensor: TCS3472 control by SHEDBOY71 […]

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