• The PCF8574 is an 8 bits I/O port expander that uses the I2C protocol. Using this IC, you can use only the SDA and SCL pins of your Arduino board to control up to 8 digital I/O ports. A0,A1,A2 are address pins P0,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7 are digital…

  • The ADXL345 is a small, thin, low power, 3-axis accelerometer with high resolution (13-bit) measurement at up to ±16g. Digital output data is formatted as 16-bit twos complement and is accessible through either a SPI (3- or 4-wire) or I2C digital interface. The ADXL345 is…

  • This is a simple example using the Waveshare DVK512. You press a key and this is displayed on the command line, one of the 4 LEDs is also lit for each of the 4 buttons on the board You can see the LEDS (9) and Buttons…

  • Recently I bought a DVK512 Raspberry Pi Expansion Board from Waveshare for my raspberry Pi. If you have never heard of the DVK512 the its a reasonably priced add-on (hat). The following features and image are from the Waveshare site UART interface: easily connects to UART modules…

  • Handy if you lose the information Distribution | Username | Password —————|————|————- Debian Squeeze | pi | raspberry Arch | root | root QtonPi | root | rootme Raspbian | pi | raspberry OpenElec | root | openelec Pidora | root | raspberrypi RISC OS…

  • In this example we will connect one of the popular 8×8 LED matrix modules that can be found at low cost on various web sites. These commonly use a MAX7219 Here is how to connect this to your Raspberry Pi Board Pin Name RPi Pin…

  • In a previous example at connecting a mcp23017 to your raspberry pi we used a python script to flash LEDs connected to mcp23017 but there are other options available. In this example we look at a command line tool called i2cset i2cset is a small helper…

  • MCP9808 digital temperature sensor example The MCP9808 digital temperature sensor converts temperatures between -20°C and +100°C to a digital word with ±0.5°C (max.) accuracy. The MCP9808 comes with user-programmable registers that provide flexibility for temperature sensing applications. The registers allow user-selectable settings such as Shutdown…

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