In this article we look at another sensor – this time its the LIS3MDL which is a 3-axis MEMS magnetic field sensor, digital output, I2C, SPI, low power mode, high performance Sensor Information The LIS3MDL has user-selectable full scales of ±4/±8/±12/±16 gauss. The self-test capability …
In this article we look at a BH1745NUC Luminance and Colour Sensor and connect it to a Raspberry PI Lets look at that sensor first – here is some of the technical information abou it. The BH1745NUC is digital color sensor IC with I²C bus …
Using the command line in python is fine and for a lot of my sensor examples it is adequate the results show up like this but ultimately for displaying results or getting user feedback say to click on a button to switch and led on …
In this article we look at the TMP102 digital sensor and we will connect it up to a Raspberry Pi The TMP102 device is a digital temperature sensor ideal for NTC/PTC thermistor replacement where high accuracy is required. The device offers an accuracy of ±0.5°C …
In this example we create a GUI to set the value for our PWM example – Controlling the Brightness of an LED Schematics Parts Name Links Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Development Board Aliexpress link Amazon. com link Ebay search Starter kit (leds , resistors) …
In this example we will create a gui to switch on and off the LED that we used in the PWM example – Controlling the Brightness of an LED Here is a reminder of the schematics Code Save the following as [codesyntax lang=”python”] from Tkinter …