This is a follow on from the Raspberry PI and python example – This example uses wiringPi Schematic Code This example is C++, it will flash an LED one at a time connected to the 74HC595 Call this shift.c [codesyntax lang=”cpp”] #include <wiringPi.h> #include <stdio.h>…
Raspberry Pi
In this example we connect a PIR module up to our Raspberry PI, this is quite a simple module to connect as it requires only 5v, Gnd and the output is PI friendly so does not require any level shifting. A passive infrared sensor (PIR…
Sharing files over the network is incredibly handy, when I was writing code examples to publish on this site it was useful to run them on the Raspberry PI, copy them to a folder which could be accessed on my Windows 7 PC. Install and…
The first step is to verify if you have java installed , to do this open a command prompt and type the following java -version This should return something like the following, if not you’ve probably got an older version of Raspbian or equivalent that…
In a previous example we created a simple console program, in this example we will create a basic GUI program. To do this we need to install GTK. Lets begin by installing GTK for mono [codesyntax lang=”bash”] sudo apt-get install gtk-sharp2 [/codesyntax] Create a folder…
Raspberry PI A+, B+ and 2B GPIO J8 40-pin pinout. Raspberry PI Models A and B have only the first 26 pins. GPIO# 2nd func pin# pin# 2nd func GPIO# – +3V3 1 2 +5V – GPIO2 SDA1 (I2C) 3 4 +5V – GPIO3 SCL1…